Day 6 of TypeScript — As a Beginner

Things I’ve learned on day 6…

5 min readJun 19, 2023

Things I’ve Learned today:

  1. Generics
  2. Classes

1. Generics

  • Generics are the toolbox that enables us to create reusable components. A component should not always have to be React’s or TailwindCSS’s 😅.
  • To understand this, let me show you an example which is in the TypeScript’s docs!
// Part one
function identity(arg: number): number { // 😐
return arg;

// Part Two
function identity(arg: any): any { // 😫
return arg;
  • In part one, you can see that the identity function has an argument arg which is of type number and returns it.
  • But what if we want that same function to be used with other types as well? You can of course use any type (as I’ve used it in the part two section of code) but that defeats the whole purpose of TypeScript!
  • Then what you can do to avoid this problem? Well, that is where the generics come into play! Let’s look at the example 👇
function genericFunction<Type>(argument: Type): Type {
return argument; // output: 69


Code Explanation:

  • Generics and the “any” type behave differently in terms of accepting and returning values.
  • The “any” type allows for accepting and returning values of any type, without restrictions.
  • Generics, on the other hand, enforce that the return type must be the same as the argument type.
  • Generics provide type safety and maintain consistency between the argument and return types.
  • The code example demonstrates a generic function that takes an argument of type Type and returns a value of the same type.
  • When calling the genericFunction with 69 as the argument, it will return 69 as the output, maintaining the same type.
  • Using the any type instead would allow accepting and returning values of any type, regardless of the specified argument and return types.
  • Generics offer a more structured approach to working with different types while ensuring type safety, compared to the more flexible nature of the “any” type.


It’s important to note the difference between generics and the any type. The “any” type allows accepting and returning values of any type, regardless of the specified argument and return types. For example, a function with the “any” type can receive a string argument and return a number.

However, generics behave differently. Generics restrict this behavior by enforcing that the return type must be the same as the type assigned to the argument. In other words, generics lock the return type to be consistent with the specified argument type.

Generics On Arrays

  • Just like any other types in TS, Generics can also be used on Arrays!
    Like so: 👇

/* --With Normal Functions-- */

// Generics on Arrays with normal function (TYPE: 1)
function arraysWithGenerics<Type>(array: Type[]) {
return array;

// Generics on Arrays with normal function (TYPE: 2)
function arraysWithGenerics<Type>(array: Array<Type>) {
return array;

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* --With Arrow Functions-- */

// Generics on Arrays with arrow function (TYPE: 1)
const arraysWithGenerics = <Type>(array: Type[]) => {
return array;

// Generics on Arrays with arrow function (TYPE: 2)
const arraysWithGenerics = <Type>(array: Array<Type>) => {
return array;

console.log(arraysWithGenerics([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]));
  • There are two ways in which you can use arrays with Generics.
  • The first one is by using Type[] and the other one is by using Array<Type>
  • Both of them work the exact same way! And all the above example functions work the exact same way! There’s no change in the behavior of the code at all. I just showed you the implementation of Arrays with Generics with both of these function types…😄

2. Classes

Quick Intro to Classes:

  • Classes are templates for creating objects with similar properties and behaviors.
  • They encapsulate data (properties) and functions (methods).
  • Objects are created from classes using the new keyword.
  • Classes can have constructors to set initial property values.
  • Inheritance allows classes to inherit properties and methods from other classes.
  • Classes help organize and reuse code in an object-oriented manner.
class Animal {
animalType: string;
breed: string;
constructor(animal: string, breed: string) {
this.animalType = animal;
this.breed = breed;

displayOutput(): void {
`Your pet animal is a ${this.animalType} and the breed is ${this.breed}`

const ShihTzu = new Animal("Dog", "Shih-Tzu");


The above code demonstrates the usage of a class called Animal to create and display information about animal objects. The class has properties, a constructor, and a method for generating output. The code creates an instance of the Animal class and calls the method to display specific details about the animal.

Code Explanation:

  • It defines a class called Animal, which serves as a blueprint for creating animal objects.
  • The Animal class has two properties: animalType, representing the type of the animal, and breed, representing the specific breed of the animal.
  • The class has a constructor, which is called when creating a new instance of the Animal class.
  • The constructor takes two parameters: animal (a string representing the animal type) and breed (a string representing the breed).
  • Inside the constructor, the parameter values are assigned to the corresponding class properties using the this keyword.
  • The Animal class also has a method called displayOutput(), which logs a formatted message to the console, displaying the animal type and breed.
  • An instance of the Animal class is created using the new keyword, with the animal type set to "Dog" and the breed set to "Shih-Tzu". This instance is assigned to the variable ShihTzu.
  • Finally, the displayOutput() method is called on the ShihTzu instance, which prints the message to the console, indicating that the pet animal is a Dog and the breed is Shih-Tzu.

These are the things that I’ve learned today that is Day 6!

Hope you got some useful information from this blog. If you did make sure to follow me as we are nearing 10 followers!🔥🎉

Goodbye…for now!👋😁

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Yeah. That’s it.😅😂




Written by SriniWhoCodes

I write about Web Development and other related stuffs.

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